Stream your research from your mobile device
HT Anton VS
Live Streaming
Stream from your mobile anything you want, anywhere in HD; not just focus groups, but in-home interviews, accompanied/mystery shopping, ethnographic studies. All you need is an Android smartphone, an internet connection and a creative imagination.
Download HTAnton VSHT Anton UX
UX Live Streaming
Live stream respondent’s mobile UX from anywhere in HD.
Access your account on the HT portal and manage, view live or DVR recorded sessions.
An Actual Window Into Your Consumer’s Life
HT Anton is a mobile application that enables you to reach your respondents wherever they are in HD.
You are in charge; You can conduct the streaming research, or you can have your respondents’ stream at their leisure.
Qualitative researchers love to dive into the lives of people of different cultures. They are invited into homes, brought along to wet markets, and cooked meals. However, it is getting harder to justify flying teams halfway across the world, especially with travel budgets being continuously cut.
For the first time, you can now participate in the fieldwork, without having to leave your desk…